A video installation with accompanying text, narrating the journey from Hanoi to Jatiwangi Art Factory  where live.make.share was invited to participate in the Hamparan Keramat (Sacred Landscape) residency program as part of the 5th Indonesia Contemporary Ceramics Biennale.

A simple tale of displacement and connection.

Note #2: 

After two hours of time-killing-conversation and shared-space-manipulation we both morphed into the least uncomfortable position possible. 

F interpreted this with a nose-to-armpit hold. I had assumed a horizontal squat, as if meditating through childbirth. 

I imagined the child. Born skin of bright red, the low-cost airline logo, the stewardess’ cheap mini-skirts, the color of family reunions and carbon emission. The child of globalisation would be born to a mixed-nation mother, blessed with an International-Air passport. He would be conspicuous among his earth-coloured playmates. He would never sleep and understand all language. 

One day he would ask me what I was doing on that flight. I guess, maybe, I would smile and pass the details. I would say I did not know so much. 

But I had been invited by friends who lived far away, and they had many stories to tell. I had filled my suitcase, red like his skin, with coffee and tea, and we were on our way to listen.


Video / Text
30th of May, 2019
Jatiwangi Art Factory - Indonesia